Wednesday 3 August 2011


The Machinist had disappeared from his 'post' as pie filler and I wandered outside to see where he was and what he was doing, so that I could haul him back and chain him to the stainless steel bench.  Alas, he was talking with a Highway Patrol officer.  "Oh no!", I thought (the usual 'what's the matter now' feeling you get when any type of Policeman enters your premises, even though you're not guilty of anything he could possibly be there for).  On closer earshot, I learned that we had been 'officially informed' that we were not allowed to put our signage for the pie shop out on the Highway.

And so now begins the tedious task of many communications with bureaucracy....


Sue said...

Was there a reason for this? What's the philosophy behind it? (Billboard owners getting cranky?) Have other businesses been told this as well? Perhaps if you all put your heads together and make a group "case" for your signage???

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh boy, that is a rule in many places. Signage has to be on the wall, not on sidewalks or out on the streets. Can you have one on the drive into your place, just not out by the edge of the road?

Hope this can be worked out for you.


Vera said...

Oh that's a bummer. Hope it gets sorted out for you.

Helen said...

Sue, we were given an Act to refer to. It has nothing to do with mobile signs, so we are taking it to the local politician. Will let you know. And yes, everyone had to take their signs down.

Flowerlady, our little business is in a small country town just off a main Highway. If we don't have signs out there, not many will know we exist. Yikes!

Vera, thanks, will write about the updates as things happen...LOL>...

Thankyou all for thinking of us xx


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....