Friday 27 March 2009

Pumpkins and Paperwork

It's past midnight and I'm busily tying the loose ends of stallholder coordinating for our Village's annual Pumpkin Festival. (Try saying that with a mouthful of pumkin fritter). My family and I have been involved in the management and Festival committee for three years now, and each year, I tell myself "self, don't get involved next year". But ... I never listen to myself and the truth is - the Festival is such a fun event, that the management thereof becomes an obsession. I just can't let it go. I'm smitten with Pumpkin fever.

As Festival day approaches, things get even more hectic here at home and in our family business, because life doesn't slow down just because there's some additional chores to perform.

For the past two days, I've been moving all administration out of the Machine Shop office and into the Home office, more specifically - the old school room. The Machine Shop office will be used mainly for contracts, projects and designs, and we've attempted to organise it in a way that the Machinist's paperwork life will be smooth and efficient.
What fella doesn't despise paperwork?
On the other hand, the Home office is more involved. The Machinist returned from town with another filing cabinet today, and now I have a cabinet for our Engineering business, a cabinet for our new Metal gallery and cafe business and a cabinet for our personal filing. I have ample stationary and postage supplies and feel extremely blessed.
By the beginning of next week, I hope to have all manner of paperwork completed, our Business Activity Statement done, and all accounting software transferred to my trusty HP Touchsmart.
Then the dusty, dirty manual labour at the Shop begins....
Which hat again?


The Journey said...

I'd rather do pumpkin fest forget the paperwork! How are you? Glad you started a blog as I miss all your e-mails.

Tess Kincaid said...

Fun that you're all about pumpkins and we are now about daffodils!


 Table talk amongst our children is and always has been, -  a rabbit warren . We start off in one hole and end up in another -  quick smart....